Gift Ideas for the Coffee Lover
Each Christmas, I hear about how hard it is to shop for me. And each year, it motivates me to see what gifts are out there for the coffee lover. Here are the best ones that I found this year, and why. Check them out, and click on any of the images for more information on how to get it.The "Coffee of the Month" Club
Peet's Peetniks Club
is a recurring delivery coffee service, where the coffee lover in your life gets coffee delivered at regular intervals. Unique and fresh-roasted coffee delivered right to their door. You set the intervals of how much coffee and how frequently, and Peets manages the rest.I have bought this as a gift for my parents. If you have a sense of what to buy, you can customize the coffees that are shipped. Otherwise, leave it to Peets - they offer coffee "tours of the world" and make the choices for you. Set it up for a year, or as few months as you'd like.It was such a great gift for my parents that midway through the year's subscription of monthly coffees, they went on vacation for three months, and I had the coffees re-routed to my own address. I could've logged onto Peets and put the tour on hold, but I was too tempted. It gets worse. They got back from vacation, and I never returned the shipping to them, so I enjoyed the rest of the great Peets coffees that I had bought them as part of this gift. *shrugging my shoulders*
Books on Coffee
I love to read, so a book is never a bad gift for me. A book on coffee is an amazing gift for me. The image to the left is my personal favorite book on coffee, called Javatrekkers. It follows the story of a coffee roaster traveling the world, sampling the coffee that he intends to buy to serve to his customers back home. At the same time, his travels give us a much-needed look at conditions in the growing countries that produce such great coffee for us all.I wrote a recent post on Books for the Coffee Lover, that I recommend you check out. If you're buying for a coffee lover that also loves to read, a book on coffee makes a great gift.
"And The Only Prescription is More Coffee" MugThis is a great novelty coffee mug, available on Amazon. It's the Big Mouth Toys Prescription Coffee Mug
. Everybody has a regular old ceramic coffee mug. This one is shaped like a giant prescription bottle for "COFFEE".I thought this gift was a lot of fun, and I've never seen it before. It's still shaped like a mug, so not nearly as over the top as some novelty mugs I've seen.
Wall Mounted Coffee House Key HookThis is another gift where I saw it in my search for great coffee lover gifts, and wished that I had one. As my own kitchen slowly morphs into a coffee bar, this is the kind of addition whose design is not so over the top that it will clash.The Coffee House Cup Java Silhouette Wall Mounted Key Hook Art
comes with a small toolbox of the accessories that your lucky gift recipient will need to install this at home.
Wisconsinmade Wooden Coffee ScoopsThis gift idea is so cool to me that I almost listed it first, and if nobody ends up buying this for me this year, I will definitely be buying it for myself in January. I like it that much!Why? Because I didn't realize how much I took coffee scoops for granted until I saw this. I must have seven different generic plastic coffee scoops, and have never once given thought to having some style in the scoops that I use. The Handmade Wooden Coffee Scoop
is a great way to upgrade something that the coffee lover needs, and who like me, probably takes for granted.Happy Holidays to all! I hope you have enjoyed my gift ideas this year.