Introducing...Tres Noir French Roast!
For the coffee drinker that truly likes a deep dark roast, presenting...the Tres Noir French Roast.Tres = veryNoir = darkWell technically, "noir" translates to black in French but it's a cooler name this way.For this French Roast, I selected the Colombia Excelso coffee that we currently offer in a medium-dark roast that brings out its natural berry, almost red wine, flavor. That same bean, roasted to a dark and smoky French Roast, yields an entirely different flavor profile.Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. roastery storeCheck out: Tres Noir French RoastThe Tres Noir French Roast offers a more well-rounded sweetness, combined with a strong caramel flavor. The aroma is fruity but smoky. Smoky, without tasting burnt. There can be a laziness to dark roasting, where the roaster simply leaves the beans in for longer in order to get the darker appearance. When coffee is dark-roasted this carelessly, the result is a burnt flavor, and I wanted to make sure I avoided that.
This roast is very carefully managed, so that you get the smoky flavor that is characteristic of a dark roast, without the burnt flavor. Instead, the flavor is rich, exotic, and fruity to the point of maintaining the red wine flavor that is characteristic of this bean. Remarkably for a dark roast, the Tres Noir French Roast even retains some of the acidity that gives life to this coffee. The aftertaste is pleasant and fruity.If you are a dark roast coffee aficionado, then you must try the Tres Noir French Roast!Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. roastery storeCheck out: Tres Noir French Roast