Ladies and gentlemen...Joshua Bean Coffee™ Blend!
I'm so excited to introduce to you the Joshua Bean Coffee™ Blend from the Make Good Coffee Co.!First off, who was Joshua Bean? I'll never forget the night I was reading about the history of San Diego, California and learned that the last name of its first mayor was Bean. Bean?!? I couldn't believe it. If ever I needed proof that San Diego is destined to be a coffee capitol in the US, its first mayor was named Bean. I decided that after creating my first signature blend, I would name it after San Diego's first mayor.Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. Roastery StoreCheck out: Joshua Bean Coffee™ Blend, how to buy
Why a coffee blend? There is a science and an art to coffee blending. At this time, I'm carrying seven different single-origin coffees. Each one contains unique and specific aromas and flavor notes. I like every one of them and have roasted each one the best I can through trial and error, and more trial and error. With a coffee blend, there is an opportunity to create a coffee experience that no single-origin coffee captures. The opportunity to capture flavors from different coffees, to create a brand new coffee experience that is unique.The picture above is a real photo of all of the coffee cupping evaluation forms that I used to evaluate, re-evaluate, and re-re-evaluate different individual coffees, as well as their contribution to the blend. Some of those cupping forms are filled out by fellow coffee aficionados with different opinions on coffee than my own, who contributed their feedback to the process.
Each coffee cupping allowed me to narrow down the recipe, until I was completely satisfied with the result. And here it is, the Joshua Bean Coffee™ Blend of coffee. It combines a natural berry sweetness in flavor with milk chocolate and spices. Natural flavors of berry, chocolate, and spices?! Get you some!Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. Roastery StoreCheck out: Joshua Bean Coffee™ Blend, how to buyThere is another personal and important reason for me in naming this blend. On August 12, 2012, two very dear friends lost their beloved son Joshua at the age of 19. I met Joshua twice. In fact, I met he and his father at the same time, and both of his parents have since become very important people in my life. Josh loved music, and I kept his mental image and photo nearby when making this blend. While you won't find it on the cupping forms, I wanted there to be music in this blend. Listen to your own favorite music while you enjoy this coffee.