My Dunkin D coffee just does not taste good
Question: Dunkin D coffee. Keep refridgerate. Clean machine with vinager. Just does not taste that good??? -- DonnaAnswer: Well Donna, it's tough to say for sure without knowing what kind of equipment you're using. Using vinegar to clean your machine is a great step, provided you're running enough water cycles after the vinegar to make sure it's properly rinsed. I don't suggest you refridgerate your coffee rather than keep it in an opaque, airtight container at room temperature. But the real issue might be the coffee you're buying. Dunkin Donuts sells a decent enough coffee. When it was roasted is anybody's guess, and Dunkin Donuts won't guarantee it was roasted recently. They aren't trying to sell coffee to the connaisseur, and you will definitely find better coffee at a local reputable coffee shop, like a Starbucks, or else any number of the reputable online sources for good coffee.