Online Coffee Tasting
Most of the US is respecting stay-at-home orders so we can beat the spread of coronavirus and get back to normal. We wish good health to you and your family, and thank you for doing your part.At the Make Good Coffee Co., we have always promoted coffee education. When we opened our coffeehouse next to the roastery, it was always our intention that it be as much of a "classroom" as a cafe. We were especially excited to host coffee cuppings (or tastings) to expose coffee lovers to the wide wide world of coffee.We simply didn't think it was possible at this time, but after some brainstorming, we decided there's no reason not to do it. In fact, why not enjoy a hosted coffee tasting from the comfort of your home?Want to learn more about coffee cuppings and how they work? Check out this video:
How will our online coffee tasting work (US only)? We will send you three pre-ground samples of coffee and email you the evaluation form, event admission, and some simple instructions on how to prepare for the event at home. The event will consist of two 30-minute Zoom meetings. One meeting for the coffee tasting, the other meeting for Q&A with participants. After the event, you will also receive a video link to a recording of both meetings so you re-watch them.All that for US 10 dollars! For US 20 dollars, you get all the above AND a voucher to purchase a bag of coffee of your choice from our full line-up. That could be a coffee you ended up trying and loving during the tasting, or any bag of your choice.
Event DetailsSunday, April 26, 202011 AM PST (2 PM EST): Coffee cupping event11:30 AM PST (2:30 PM EST): Coffee cupping Q&AGet your coffee samples and admission to the event: click HERE.Get your coffee samples, admission to the event, and a FREE bag of coffee: click HERE.Let's have some coffee fun while we're all at home!