Our latest and greatest...Easter Blend!

A good friend asked if we were planning an Easter Blend in our coffee cuppings at the roastery. After giving it some thought, we decided that Easter is an excellent occasion for a new blend. After all, it involves family getting together, and in some families, exchanging gifts. My friend was looking for an Easter gift idea, and we started getting to work on the Easter Blend.Check out: Easter Blend Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. Roastery StoreMy hesitation was that Easter is a religious holiday, so what should the blend commemorate? We all know what the occasion represents religiously, so how did Easter become a celebration of family, chocolate, and rabbits? I did some research.Let's start with the Easter egg. It turns out that in the act of decorating eggs, the egg is meant to symbolize an empty tomb (never knew that!). The egg itself is a symbol for life and rebirth. The decorating of eggs started as the staining of eggs in red. The tradition of dying chicken eggs moved to plastic eggs and to chocolate in the shape of eggs. The tradition of the Easter Bunny emerged in the same vein as Santa Claus, where the bunny was a judge of what children were good enough to receive eggs at Easter.Long story short...I put my mind at ease that an Easter Blend coffee is not sacrilegious :).Our Easter Blend features a rich dark chocolate flavor. It is full bodied without being overly dark roasted, but still with a hint of smoke and also a hint of lively sweet acidity. The chocolate flavor notes were important to our cupping, and the complex flavor is meant to appeal to as many of your friends and family that will be enjoying it with you.Check out: Easter Blend Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. Roastery StoreWe use USPS' flat rate envelope for shipping, so the shipping cost is always fixed. For that reason, we recommend ordering two bags to spread the shipping cost over two bags instead of one. It also ensures you're not ordering too much that will go stale before you've had a chance to enjoy it. For variety, consider selecting a different coffee from our Store for your second bag. Everything is roasted within 48 hours of shipping to you, and all US points are a maximum of three days away from our roastery in San Diego. The coffee will be delivered to you within a week of being roasted.


San Diego Wholesale Bulk Coffee


The Holiday Blend is back!