Sediment in my coffee pot
Question: "When I get down to have a pot, I have to swirl my coffee because it settles at the bottom. What can I do?" - Linda PowellAnswer: Hi Linda, It's a great question because it can make a big difference to your coffee. I assume you're referring to the sediment that can sit at the bottom of your coffee pot and will end up sitting at the bottom of your coffee mug if you don't swish the pot before pouring it.
[ad#Google Adsense - use me]I also assume you're using a mesh permanent filter. If you were using a paper filter, it would catch those coffee solids. Those solids were extracted from the coffee in the brewing process, they contain flavor and make for a stronger cup of coffee but not when they get trapped in a paper filter. And if you're using a mesh filter, it's not particularly pleasant to get a mouthful of that sediment in your last sip. So if you swish the pot before pouring that last cup, it dissolves the sediment back into the coffee.I'm in the habit now of even swirling the cup before my last sip. I know it sounds like an extra step and for that reason, my parents stopped using their mesh filter despite my pleading with them not to go back to a paper filter. The choice is yours. I don't find that it's an unmanageable amount of sediment and for what it contains, I want it in my coffee. But not everybody does, and the paper filter would be your best option to avoid it.Learn more about paper and mesh filters.