Step into my kitchen (sorry about the mess)

     I'm so excited to announce a couple of new features that have just gone live on the website.  As the site has developed with new information, it's made me a smarter coffee drinker.  By that, I mean I'm enjoying coffee better than I ever have, and I owe it to what I've learned along the way.I thought it would be cool to share a couple things with you on an ongoing basis, and I hope you enjoy these two new features. [ad#Google Adsense - use me]Marc's Coffee Bar: Want to know exactly what gear I use in my kitchen to make great coffee at home?  It's all right here, along with some suggestions on where you can find these same items.  I give you an honest assessment of how long I've had each item, and what I think of it, good or bad.  Click here to visit Marc's Coffee Bar.What's Marc Drinking?: An interactive feature that you'll see on all pages will tell you what coffee I'm enjoying at home, and a few words about it, in case you're interested in trying it yourself.  Click here to find out What's Marc Drinking?.


Coffee Tasting: Maui Coffee Association


Spend $40, Buy a French Press