The Coffee Artist of Buenos Aires
I originally started this website and blog so that I could meet people that were smarter than me about coffee, and learn from them. Often, I get questions that I can't answer, but it's in researching the answer that I myself learn something new.Over the last couple months, I've developed an entirely new friendship over that I'd like to share with you.Omar Panosetti is an Argentinian artist born in Buenos Aires. Among his many projects is a sketchbook of coffee and cafe-related sketches. Omar is a regular to the website, learning how to make better coffee as he sketches scenes that he feels capture the culture of coffee. As Omar always reminds me of the site's own motto, "Life is too short for bad coffee."[ad#Google Adsense - use me]
The first sketch that Omar ever sent me is the one of Nico that you see at the top. The second sketch is one that Omar did of yours truly, sitting on the street enjoying a good cup of coffee. It's truly amazing to be put in touch with such creative people! It's a great feeling that in Argentina, an artist is looking to make better coffee, and at the same time, immersing himself in and capturing coffee's rich culture and tradition. Check out more of Omar's sketchbook Cafe Panosetti by clicking here.Check out Omar's website by clicking here.