Stay tuned: The best is yet to come!

If you're a regular visitor to, you'd be right to assume the site has been abandoned for the last few months.  But friends, you couldn't be further from the truth.  I'd like to take a minute and update you on what's going on behind the scenes.  When it's unveiled, you'll know the best of this site was yet to come.  In the meantime, let me pull the curtain has enlisted the services of a professional designer that you'll get to know in the coming weeks.  The more you know about the site, the more you're aware that everything gets reinvested.  Sure, that sometimes means reinvested into my own coffee paradise here at home, but even that gets covered with what I learn and can pass on so you can also make better coffee at home.  The latest reinvestment is into a better-organized and more functional website - not to mention a heck of a lot better looking.Stay tuned!  I've already been given a sneak peek at what the new site will look like and how it will be organized.  I have to say it's nothing short of impressive, and will allow new content and postings to be easier to find and enjoy.


Marc kills the Starbucks VIA challenge


Where to find a good coffee retailer?