Coffee Cuppings / Tastings
Looking for fun team building activities? Bring your employees or customers together for an online coffee tasting class. Fun and educational. No prior experience needed.
What is a coffee cupping?
A coffee cupping (tasting) is how coffee is evaluated. It’s a way of breaking coffee down into its taste and smell components to develop a better understanding.
Do you own or are starting a coffee business? Contact us (info at the bottom) to arrange a coffee tasting.
Who can do a coffee cupping?
Traditionally, cuppings have been limited to coffee professionals. As times goes on, cuppings are becoming more accessible to the coffee enthusiast. It’s no longer a complicated and secretive process reserved for coffee professionals only. It’s fun and you’re bound to learn something new about coffee.
Can coffee cuppings be done online?
In March 2020, the world was asked to stay at home. This forced change on everything traditional, including what people can do together online. At that time, we hosted what we believe to be the world’s first online coffee cupping. Attendees were sent three pre-ground coffee samples ahead of the class and instructions on how to prepare for the cupping at home. On the day of the class, we met attendees on Zoom and walked them through a formal coffee tasting. Zoom allowed attendees to ask questions throughout the class. By the end, all attendees had experienced and scored three very different coffees, learning common coffee tasting vocabulary.
Online coffee cupping for team building activities and customer entertainment?
Yes! Since our first online coffee cupping in March, we have hosted as many as 40 attendees for work-from-home team building coffee tastings. From the comfort of their home, attendees get to take part in a formal interactive coffee tasting. Even the biggest “coffee snob” learns something new from a coffee cupping. No prior experience is required. No special materials are required. We take care of supplying the coffee and instructions prior to class. You just show up and learn!